An outdated (b)log

"Really" random unpredictable thoughts. Confirming to the quantum theory.
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Location: Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India

Friday, November 24, 2006

I got a new monitor!

My old monitor : LG 775FT

My new monitor : Samsung 940BW
It's HUGE. And so now the home theatre system is almost complete (still have to mount the 5.1 speakers on the wall).

Coming back home

Now I am back home after what seems to be a very long time. (During the last sem hols I was doing a project at IITB and could come home for only 2 weeks. The hols before that I had come for 2 weeks but those had gone by in training at ABB. So this is one time when i am really home.)

One reason I am delibrately writing this blog is Hari's suggestion of writing blogs regularly.

I got the tickets for bengaluru today for the hpic conference. I also took the gre diagnostic test today -- it simply shook my feet. I got 1010 out of 1600 in the test. 310 in verbal and 700 in quantitative. That's ... bad. I havn't yet written my CV. Could cause me great deal of trouble later.

Things I have done in the past 6 months..

  1. Become central webteam member. Become the manager of Pragyan and Dalal Street.
  2. Give shape to delta. To make it at least be able to stand in comparison with Spider.
  3. Coin up the concept of Neo... A portal to test and implement new delta services.
  4. Suggest the concept of pingufest.